How Do I Make / Change / Cancel An Appointment?
Call our office during regular business hours at 210-614-5113. After hours, you may leave a message with the answering service, who will notify us of the changes the following day.
What Do I Bring To The Appointment?
Your completed packet of office forms, proof of insurance (card), co-payment (due at appointment), and any results of recent tests involved in the condition for which you are coming to the office (labs, x-rays, reports).
Often, at the time you make your appointment, we may ask that you obtain your x-rays from the facility performed, so that we may review them with you in the office at the time of your visit. Although delivery of x-rays to our office from those facilities is sometimes available, we strongly recommend that you obtain copies of the the necessary studies yourself, and can be responsible for their safe transport.
Do I Have To Pay For My Visit At The Time Of My Appointment?
Payment of all co-pays, deductibles, and non-covered services will be expected at the time of your visit. Covered services will be submitted to your carrier.
How Much Is My Co-pay To See A General Surgeon?
This is often printed on the back of your insurance card. If not, please contact your carrier before the appointment, so that there won’t be any unnecessary confusion at the time of your visit.
How Do I Get My Prescription Refilled?
Contact the pharmacy where your original prescription was filled, and they will call us for the appropriate approval. Please note that pain medications are not refilled at night or on the weekends.
How Do I Get Results From Recent Tests / Biopsies?
Call our office during regular business hours at 210-614-5113, and ask to speak to one of our medical assistants. They will ask for your contact information, look into the matter, and get back to you as quickly as possible. Please note that they often have to make/receive several phone calls/faxes to collect the data, if it has yet become available.
We greatly appreciate your patience in this matter and are committed to following up with you as quickly as possible. Please feel free to call us back if a day passes and you haven’t been reached with the results. We work hard to contact patients with critical/time-sensitive results quickly, and we know that everyone is anxious for their results.
What Should I Do If I Am Having A Problem? How About After Office Hours, Or On Weekends?
During office hours, call our office and explain your problem to our staff. They will relay the message and we will act accordingly.
For problems after hours, our office phone is answered by a 24-hour answering service. They will, in turn, inform us of your problem, and we’ll get back in touch with you to make the necessary arrangements. In the event of an emergency, please visit the nearest emergency room or call 911 for assistance.